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Charles McCaskey Law



What Is Probate?

What Is Probate?

What is Probate?   Probate is the process that comes after someone with a will passes away. We always see some guy on TV reading a persons will to their loved ones, describing what is left to them. And you would think that distribution happens immediately, but it does...

What Happens If I Die Without a Will?

What Happens If I Die Without a Will?

What happens if I die without a will? Without a doubt, most people consider this question. However, sixty-percent of Americans die without a will. Young or old, living the remainder of your life without a will is not a good idea. Understandably, many of us are...

Financial Divorce Preparation

Financial Divorce Preparation

Financial Divorce Preparation One of the most common affects of a divorce is the financial problems it can cause. Not just the child support and alimony aspect of it, but the division of assets can have a negative impact on your monetary situation. However, there are...

What Is An Adoption Home Assessment?

What Is An Adoption Home Assessment?

What Is An Adoption Home Assessment? As part of the adoption process in Oklahoma, all couples seeking to adopt a child must undergo and adoption home assessment. This assesssment evaluates whether or not the prospective parents have the means and commitment to care...

Is Emotional Abuse a Crime?

Is Emotional Abuse a Crime?

Simple assault is a crime. In fact, any act of aggression, verbal or physical, without actual contact may be criminal behavior. And so, the lines may be blurred, but losing control at home or in public may end with your incarceration. Therefore, it pays to find...

Birth Fathers Roles In Adoption

Birth Fathers Roles In Adoption

Birth Fathers Roles In Adoption   If you are considering putting your child up for adoption, there are a lot of things you might want to know about. First of all, it takes a lot of courage to make that choice. But it can feel very overwhelming to go through. If you...

Medical Negligence

Medical Negligence

Medical Negligence Cases In Oklahoma   Hospitals and nursing homes in Oklahoma have standards. These are put in place to make sure that the patients and residents receive adequate care. Patients and residents in both places may suffer from negligence. Although, there...

Civil Law In Oklahoma

Civil Law In Oklahoma

The Civil Side Of Law   You may already know this, but there is a difference between civil law and criminal law. Criminal law deals with offenses against the public, society or the State. This happens even if the alleged victim is an individual. Civil law however,...

What Do Civil Lawyers Do?

What Do Civil Lawyers Do?

What Do Civil Lawyers Do?   There is no simple answer to what the job of a civil lawyer entails. To know what they do, is to understand what a civil case is in the first place. A civil case is any case other than criminal. This could be a family or domestic case, debt...

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