What Is An Adoption Home Assessment?

As part of the adoption process in Oklahoma, all couples seeking to adopt a child must undergo and adoption home assessment. This assesssment evaluates whether or not the prospective parents have the means and commitment to care for the child they are seeking to adopt.

Who Conducts The Assessment?

Assessments are conducted by specific agencies and/or individuals. This may include the Department of Human Services or another agency that has custody of the child. Other individuals with education experience or a background in social services may also qualify as an evaluator for the home assessments.

There Are Several Factors

One of the things that will be evaluated is the safety of the home the child will be staying in, as the child’s health is of the upmost importance. Parents, other children and household members will be interviewed on an individual and joint basis. References must also be provided.

Employment status, marital status, and income will also be confirmed as part of the home assessment. Things such as health history, criminal background checks and public records checks will also be investigated. This rules out anyone who has prior convictions for things such as child abuse, neglect, sexual assault, and even driving history in some cases.

Assessments Must Be Recent

Before you can adopt a child, you must have a satisfactory home assessment completed or updated within a 12 month period prior to placement.

If you are looking to adopt a child and not sure where to start, contact the law office of Charles McCaskey. He will help you through the Oklahoma adoption process. Send a message or call now to schedule a consultation. We understand the adoption process and can help you with all of the requirements to help you with a seccessful placement in your home. 

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